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Kitsmas Shopping: Felt-ed

feltedToday I am excited to bring you the first in the Kitsmas Shopping post and this one is a kit that gives the whole year long and one which can be enjoyed by the whole family!

Felt-Ed is a small business run by teacher and textile artist, Sarah Jones. Sarah discovered felting over three years ago and since then has been firmly bitten by the bug and said, “I instantly fell in love and quickly realised how accessible and versatile it was as an art form for children and adults of all ages and abilities.” Read More

Natural Gradient Beauties: part two

Thanks for your feedback on the first natural gradient designs post – I am glad to know I am not the only one to appreciate the natural sheepy rainbow! This time I have more natural gradient beauties which are perfect for keeping warm this winter and looking spectacular too. I also have more yarny suggestions from our sponsor BritYarn to help further enable you!



BritYarn is driven by the woolly principles and specialises in bringing you the very best in British wool. To share and celebrate in a love of British wool, click the logo!



First point of Libra shawl, by Laura Aylor is a simple triangular shape, but with a really striking use of gradient colours. Read More

Kitsmas Shopping

If you are a long term listener or reader you will know that I have a little bugbear – well, to be honest, I have a few – but this particular one is about knitting kits.

This time of year in particular you can go into any department store and see cutesy-wootsie kits aimed as a stocking-filler type present. Often these are French knitting dolls, or beginners kits which feature a basic toy or a very simple item, like a purse. I think that these might be superb kits from children, but not adults and certainly not adult beginner knitters. Of course, it is far easier to offer pattern support for a small, square garter coin purse as it is to offer the same for a beaded lace shawl kit for these companies. 

HOWEVER there are some incredible kits out there indie designers, dyers and yarn producers and these offer wonderful designs and yarn to create a really special item for yourself. I think kits like this are SO appealing and other knitter’s I have spoken to on the topic agree. We know we could buy the yarn, the pattern and the needles separately, but the idea that they all come together in a box or even a TOTE is just such a draw.  Read More

Natural gradient beauties: part one

The #breedswatchalong has been incredibly eye-opening; not only in terms of discovering the wealth of wool out there and that each breed is so incredibly unique to the next, but also in relation to the WONDROUS range of natural colours. It has made me crave after rainbows of natural gradient and have been procrastinating on Ravelry this week. Of course, it has just turned WOVEMBER and so my attentions are very much tuned to sheepy shades.

Gradients have surely been one of the biggest trends of the last year or so; we love seeing beautiful hand-dyed gradient dye packs and there have been such amazing designs which are complemented with the ombre effect. On the one hand our hand-dyed yarns are delectable and delightful. It also helps us appreciate different nuances of our favourite colours and how striking they can be in a harmonising deceleration. But I put it to you that natural shades are just as delightfully striking….if not more! White, black, grays, silvers, browns, beiges, reds and so many shades in between. If you are a spinner you will even more appreciate the varied and subtle colours on fleece – blondes even smoky lilacs and lavenders! Let’s not even get started on the various Shetland shades and their names, alone.

I think that natural gradients deserve a wee bit of a limelight.  Read More

episode 45 – I want to cast on all the things!

It’s autumny/wintry; the clocks have changed and a darker period of the year is opening up in front of us, offering us more knitting time…is that what I want to cast on all the things??




KnitBritish is sponsored by BritYarn. To find the very best of British wool and an incredible range of patterns by British based designers click on the logo of Ethel the Sheep! New in stock this month is The Shawl Project 2!



| Incredible patterns

Today – I warn you – I will not be responsible for heavy enabling. Blame the designers and the yarnies who have been creating wonder and enabling ME to want to talk about them and want to cast on all the things! Listen in for the full enablement…if you dare! Read More

episode 44 – STOP PRESS: Edinburgh Yarn Festival news

I know, I know! Last week I omitted to tell you that I’d have a very special episode for you today. Aren’t I naughty?

You can listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher.

There is some exciting news about the Edinburgh Yarn Festival. The list of classes has just been released and you can hear all about it here. Read More

episode 43 – WOOL is wondrous!


I am feeling the Shetland Wool Week jet lag a wee bit – but what an incredible time had I!  I’ve no notes this week so it’s a bit more laid back than usual. Come on over and bring a cuppa and your knitting.

UPDATE: Due to space I can no longer host the audio files on the blog, please use your favourite podcatcher or right click the Podgen link. to listen in a new tab (y’know, so you can also refer to the shownotes whilst you listen!)



KnitBritish is sponsored by BritYarn. To find the very best of British wool and an incredible range of patterns by British based designers click on the logo of Ethel the Sheep! New in stock this month is WYS Illustrious DK in 13 gorgeous shades!



| Shetland Wool Week Read More

Shetland Wool Week in Pictures 2

More Shetland Wool Week pictures. (You can click on images for light box format.)
I am so sad that it is all over for another year!

and the sun sets on the last day of Shetland Wool Week 2015. What a special week it was.

and the sun sets on the last day of Shetland Wool Week 2015. What a special week it was.