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There’s just a few more days to submit your Jacobs reviews via ravelry and the google form, so that I can collate those reviews for episode 104.

Our next breed for exploration is the noble Teeswater.

Their predecessors where thought to have come with the Romans, but we probably have 18th century agriculturist Robert Bakewell to thank for the current breed of Teeswater sheep. We can thank him for much of the modern longwool breeds, as he developed the stockbreeding system to enhance the quality of the sheep. Read More

Wool Overwhelm: When Stash Attacks

I was going to name this post “What to do when your stash and knitting overwhelms” – But before we even go on to look at that I am quite confident in saying that there is no one solution.

This is not a ‘How to’. This is more of a WTF!

I am so delighted with my stash from EYF 2018. Everything was a considered purchase. I certainly didn’t go as “mad” as I could have, but I have no regrets about buying any of it.

This is true of all of the yarn in my stash. I do not hold sway with the idea that we should be embarrassed or guilty, or that – heavens forfend!  – we hide it from our loved ones. That is a darker and much more complex issue and, really, its not funny at all.

Ginger Twist Yarn in my stash

But aside from popping my EYF skeins into ziplock bags (I’ve seen no moths since last year, but this has always been my method of yarn keeping…there will never be open shelves of yarn on display in my house ), I’ve not yet put them away in my stash boxes. I keep looking through them and thinking about the plans I have for them, and then thinking about all of the other Read More

Episode 103 – twisted together in a strong ply

This episode is going to be split into two parts. If you listen on iTunes or podcatchers then you will see that there are two episodes. I don’t really like doing things in parts, but all of the raw audio was almost 3 hours and – even edited down – that is not practical as a single download.

Both parts are in this post. As a result of longer episode, with a yarn review and explorartion I am going to try and keep the rest of shownotes brief. (It’s only usually pre & post EYF that this happens. I know they look long, but its the photos adding to that!)

| Side A – Edinburgh Yarn Festival and Black Isle Yarns review

You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

I give you a run-down of my experience of Edinburgh Yarn Fest (15-17 March). As ever, all of the levels were HIGH! Big on wool, big on people and community, big on everything. I probably don’t get across how great it was to see so many listeners and followers from social media. Apologies if I don’t mention you, there was a lot of overwhelming-ness! Read More

Bon Voyage, Ethel!

I’m still collecting my thoughts post-EYF and you’ll be sure to hear all about that in my next podcast, but we really need to take a collective moment here at KB, for another event which will affect listeners and readers, that’s the closing of BritYarn .

You will have heard the news that Isla is off on a new adventure and Brityarn can’t go too. It’s really sad, but I know that you will join me in wishing Isla all the very best in her new endeavours.

The Natures Shades Meet up, 2016

I am really proud of our collaborative KALs The Scollay-along and the Nature’s Shades and thankful for all Brityarn’s support as sponsor, over the past three years – not to mention Isla’s support with everything else KB, which means such a lot!

I know we all have handmade items, yarn in stash and a lot of woolly knowledge thanks to Isla!

If you need a further hit of BY before the doors close on 28th, there are still items on sale with the code THISISNOTGOODBYE – use the code at checkout for 20% off everything in store. (bearing in mind that that discount box may not show up on many mobile phones – so use another device)

I’m always talking about the knitter’s library and there are plenty of books and patterns to buy – lots for the crochet library too, The Crochet Project. Rachel Coopey, Kate Davies, Claire Devine and more. There are also a few yarns from Blacker, WYS, Baa Ram Ewe & J&S, etc, so grab a final bargain or two.

I’ll miss BritYarn, but I know Isla will keep her passion for wool and do amazing things with that, and continue to spread the good word about UK wool. Isla, thank you so much.

While the shop is closing it’s doors soon, Isla will still be on social media, and will be changing handle soon. Do follow her on her adventures. I know you join me in saying Bon Voyage, Ethel & best of luck xxx

Woolly Mucker Review: Blacker Jacobs

If you heard episode 102 you would have heard me give a little preview of the newest Blacker Yarn, which is launching at Edinburgh Yarn Fest this week. I promised to bring you some woolly mucker reviews this week and I do my very best to keep my promises (even during the busiest week of the year!).

I’ve been waiting a very long time to bring you these reviews. Sonja sent me samples for woolly muckers back in October and I sent them to some of our listener sponsors – Maz, Barb and Lesley. The fact that this yarn was pushed to be the star yarn for EYF was a blessing for our mucker Barb, as the yarn took over a month to get to her in Canada! So pleased I can bring you these great reviews today.

If you are coming to Edinburgh Yarn Fest, please do have a read of these comprehensive reviews. If you can’t come to EYF, these yarns will be available online after the event and you will be primed and ready for purchasing! And if you are taking part in Wool Exploration this month, or thinking about it, this is a great place to pique your interest further! Read More

Episode 102 – yarn fume smoke signals

Just a quickie! (in as far as I can do a quick podcast) with my top tips for EYF 2018.

N.B it may be later today before this hits iTunes/Podcatchers, please be patient


Forgive me, I’m (unsurprisingly) short on time this week, so your shownotes have a bit more brevity this time! The links are key today. Also, due to busyness, its a bit rough around the edges today. #sorynotsorry

Edinburgh Yarn Festival (15-18th)

| My own list of vendors I’ll be making a beeline for …

I’ve linked directly to the items I mention in the show and what I’ll be popping in my shopping basket! Read More

Wool Exploration: Jacobs

Image: Blacker Yarns

Reminder: we have two wool explorations this month. This is to give those going to EYF a chance to buy their Ryeland at the Sunday event. The deadline for the Ryeland is 23rd March.

We’re about the start exploring the conservation breed Jacobs, which will conclude our first quarter of Wool Exploration!

© Copyright Russel Wills and used under Creative Commons Licence.

As usual I like to kick off with an introduction to this breed from The Fleece and Fibre Sourcebook, by Deb Robson and Carol Ekarius. This really is a great book and cannot recommend it more highly. I am under no obligation from the authors or publisher to say that, I just believe it is the best handbook for your Wool Exploration. Read More

Woolly Mucker Review: School of Flock

As the podcast is now monthly and there are only so many wool reviews that can feasibly be fit into one episode, I will be bringing more on the blog.

I heard about Sylvan Tiger’s custom yarn, School of Flock, just ahead of Leeds Wool Festival last year and knew that I had to visit Katie’s stall there and try some.

It is a blend of 70% Lleyn, from Shropshire and 30% grey Shetland, from Somerset. Lleyn is a Welsh breed, which is a good meat sheep, but which also has a bouncy, kemp-free fleece. Its not a breed you will see on lots of yarn labels, but its creamy deliciousness deserves to be knit more!

This is from Katie’s website. Read More