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An Open Letter to Shetland Islands Council

Dear Sir

I’m writing to you regarding the council’s recent decision not to award Shetland Amenity Trust the contract to promote the isles via the Promote Shetland organisation.

The work that Promote Shetland has done in terms of honing Shetland’s brand, of creating a multi-faceted unique experience for the nature seekers, the birdwatchers, the archaeology and geology fans; the knitters, art lovers, music fans; the daily webcam viewers (many of whom will only ever visit Shetland in this way) and those who tune in on the last Tuesday of January to watch the galley burn.  Promote Shetland have done such great work to not only tell the stories of Shetland far beyond the shores of the isles, but to connect them to Shetlander’s too; to connect them with their heritage, their past and to make them feel a part of the ongoing culture and traditions in the isles.

Something that is of a particular keen interest to me is Shetland Wool Week.  This is a wonderful example of the overall work Promote Shetland have done to celebrate Shetland’s culture and tradition, and which has become an important annual event to people the world over. I attended this festival whilst living in Shetland and have returned the past two years, now that I live in Edinburgh.

I know that Shetland Amenity Trust have decided to take Shetland Wool Week (SWW) under their auspices. I am so very glad that they took this action, as they realise the enormity of this event for so many people and want to safeguard the plans for at least this year’s events, many of which are fully booked.  While the festival is secured for this year (at least) I want to use SWW as an example of what Promote Shetland has done for tourism and for the isles and how detrimental taking that service away will be.

The work that has been done to take the stories, knowledge, techniques, innovations and skills in Shetland wool and textiles and celebrate the people who have worked in these areas is just incredible. Misa Hay and her the team, as well as all the wool week patrons, Kate Davies, Felix Ford, Hazel Tindall, Donna Smith, Ella Gordon and this year’s patron Gudrun Johnston – as well as all of the Shetland maker’s and teachers involved – should be utterly applauded for finally telling the real story about Shetland knitting – not over-romanticized or shrouded with stereotype and cliche has it has been in the past.

Shetland’s knitting history is very well known and can be seen as valuable and important, even if you don’t have a personal interest in knitting. While wool and knitting is a very niche area, it is by no means narrow. It is an area that is rich and verdant, with millions of knitters all over the world – many of whom look to Shetland’s traditions as a deep rooted connection to their own interests in knitting.

You may not have attended any SWW events or have a personal interest in wool and knitting yourself and so you may not have had opportunity to enjoy it in the same way that hundreds of visitors have, as well as Shetland attendees (or the many more who’ve watched the events online, via Promote Shetland’s website.)

In a nutshell, there are over 100 events organised over 9 days. People come from all over the world for SWW, in addition to people from Shetland attending events. Of the visitors to Shetland some travel alone and everyone I’ve spoken to who travelled alone said there was no worry or anxiety because SWW provides a safe and welcoming space and a community of knitters to be part of. Many of the people I’d spoken to had been watching Shetland via webcams and subscribing to the 60 North Magazine and dreaming of their visit to wool week by researching on the website – this is also down to the brilliant work of Promote Shetland.

Classes on offer have people feeling so satisfied with learning new skills and it means that these skills, many local to Shetland, will keep going and aren’t at risk of disappearing altogether, which was one of the aims of SWW. Wool Week also opens up important discussions between Shetland wool producers and local wool businesses, such as at the Q&As and talks, and it helps keep the important dialogue of Shetland wool, textiles and wool products open, on a public platform, so that a future is secured for Shetland wool.

SWW events are so important ad utterly unlike any other wool festival (and I’ve been to a lot of them!). The entire week of events take us from the animals on the farm, to fleece demonstrations at the Wool Brokers, to the Sandness Mill and through a series of talks, workshops. exhibitions and open studios to show exactly the importance of Shetland wool and crafts and the larger significance of Shetland tradition and design – not only its past, but the significance of what is happening now and for the future. They bring people together from all over the world, who also enjoy Shetland’s hotels, restaurants, pubs and cafes and shops as well as all the other non-wool highlights Shetland can offer – all of this is evident in the £500,000 that SWW brought back to the local economy last year.

SWW is just one example of the quality of the work of Promote Shetland in giving a voice to Shetland, its heritage, culture and landscape. The council’s decision is going to damage the Shetland image and brand they have worked so hard on.  The pure fact of the matter is that Promote Shetland has spent 8 years working hard to take Shetland out of that box on the weather map; to fight off romantic ideas of “remoteness” and make Shetland the centre of the world. With this decision, SIC have put Shetland and all the positive forward movement and work right back into that box.

Please revise this short-sighted decision and let Promote Shetland continue their important work.

Yours faithfully


Louise Scollay


Dear KnitBritish readers, there is a petition on that you can sign if you wish to object about this decision. If this decision by SIC affects you, your future travel plans to Shetland or your enjoyment of all things Shetland, you can also write to Shetland Islands Council at the address below. I will also send a copy of this letter to them.

Convener Malcolm Bell,
Shetland Islands Council
Town Hall

episode 85 – we partook of cake

Welcome back to the podcast – I’ve been “down North” to Leeds and had such a fun time at Leed Wool Festival. We also meet our Woolly Mucker, Maylin Scott and I’ve some lovely yarn to review for you too!

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| Woolly Mucker

This month’s woolly mucker is Maylin Scott, aka blithespirit, on Ravelry. Maylin is a long time listener and supporter of all things KnitBritish. If you follow her there or Instagram you will see she is a prolific knitter and a real lover of colour and texture in her work.

Currently she is knitting the Next Year In Lerwick sweater, for her upcoming trip to Shetland. Hear us talk about this and much more in today’s show.
Thanks to Maylin for supporting the show.

| Leeds Wool Festival and Armley Mills

What a wonderful event Leeds Wool Festival was, last Saturday, and what a wonderful mill and museum. We were really blow away by the visitor experience, the cream teas and all the lovely Read More

episode 84 – clear labelling and bumper festivities

Back again – get your WIP, get your drink – I’m talking crochet cast offs and we’re diving into Pom Pom’s 5th Anniversary issue! Listen in for an awesome Pomfest giveaway too.

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You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

Our Sponsor

You will find the very best of British wool, an incredible range of patterns and awesome notions at BritYarn. Isla works to the Woolly Principles at BritYarn so that you can be confident of buying British wool, with provenance from British suppliers. 
Click on the logo to visit the BritYarn website and don’t forget to wish BritYarn a very Happy 2nd Birthday on June 2nd!  

| Show notes

Thanks so much for your feedback on the British wool love in the last episode. It has totally given me food for thought and it has really made me think about my responsibility to you as a reviewer. I do buy and have, in the past, accepted review yarn that is just labelled “British Wool” without any further information about what that wool is. I feel that in a response to the need for clearer labelling  it is not in my or your interest to review yarns with no traceability or content info. Read More

Giveaway Klaxon

There are a couple of lovely giveaways in the KnitBritish Ravelry group that I don’t want you guys to miss out on!

From Dorset, With Love.

Clare Devine has launched a digital pattern collection, which beautifully illustrates how place can leave a lasting impression on you.

Two years ago I went on a road trip – the best kind of road trip – the ‘change your life’ kind of roadtrip! I didn’t realise back then how much that summer weekend away would shape my life in the years to come. So much has come from those 3 glorious days in Dorset.

Clare Devine

There are 6 patterns in this collections which explore the inspirations from that trip. There is the Lulworth Cove hat, deeply brimmed and richly textured; The Swyres Head Mitts in divine yarn from Phileas Yarns; two awesome sock patterns, in Ripples Crafts Sock – Studland and Tyneham and Corfe Castle – a gorgeous shawl, featuring and effortless garter and eyelet design. Also to come is Clare’s first garment design – Kimmeridge!

You can buy the entire collection right now on Ravelry and the patterns will also be available as single pattern downloads too!

As Clare is so lovely, she has offered a copy of the collection as a giveaway and has added three runner up prizes of single patterns. You can find the entry thread over in our Ravelry group.  I will close this on 2nd of June and draw winners by fairly soon after that. Thank you so much, lovely Clare and congratulations on a stunning collection that is going to have all our knitty hands get grabbing for the yarn!

| POM POM is 5

PomPom Quarterly are celebrating their 5th anniversary this year! There is a BUMPER issue which is hitting door mats all over the world right about now and you can listen to me peek between the pages on tomorrow’s podcast! (spoiler: It is pretty incredible!)

There is also going to be a wonderful birthday bash happening in London in July!

On 14th and 15th of July, Pomfest will be held at Studio Spaces, Shadwell. A renovated factory in this fast-developing part of Tower Hamlets.

The Pomfest marketplace will play host to a selection of the finest indie yarn producers and dyers from all over the world, including Viola Yarns and Julie AsselinLa Bien Aimée and Dandelion YarnsJohn Arbon Textiles, Coop Knits and Kettle Yarn Co. will be there too with more to be confirmed! There will also be panel discussions from international woolly speakers, like Clara Parkes! and talks from Pom Pom designers Julia Farwell-Clay, Thea Colman, Veera Välimäki, Olga Buraya-Kefelian, and Emily Foden.
All of this AND a Friday night party! Tickets cost £15 for each day and also £15 for the evening party (John Arbon WILL be your DJ – worth the ticket price alone!) I hope you can go – I reckon it will be a really special weekend!

Pom Pom, so lovely and generous, have offered a lucky winner a pair of tickets, so that they can take a pal and can go to the marketplace and enjoy the Pom Pom party vibe! I am about to open the giveaway thread in the KnitBritish Ravelry group, so that you can enter for that chance! Please only enter if you can definitely make it to London (travel/accommodation is not included) – you can choose which day you want to attend. I will close the thread on 16th June and draw the winner at random. Pom Pom will email the tickets to the winner.

Pom Pom’s loveliness goes on and on! They have also given us a copy of the newest issue to giveaway and (to save confusion in the rav giveaway threads) you can enter to win that RIGHT HERE!

To win a copy of Pom Pom Quarterly, issue 21 – take a look at the designs in this issue (click here to see them all) and comment below with what you would cast on first – its gonna be a struggle as there are SO many awesome designs.
I’ll close this also on June 16th. A winner will be drawn at random.

Good luck and thank you so much to Clare Devine and Pom Pom Quarterly!

19/6/17 Update

I pasted all the comments in  – Congrats to Heather Jones! Your Pom Pom will be winging its way to you soon!

| Important info – Please read

Please only comment below if you want to enter the giveaway for the issue of Pom Pom – the other giveaways are in the Ravelry group and the links will take you there. Entries on the blog for the other giveaways mentioned will be deleted, so please read carefully!

Images here are copyright to their owners and used with kind permission. Please do not reproduce without seeking permission from the owners. 


episode 83 – What you love about the indiestry

Welcome back to the podcast! This week, as a bit of a addition to an article I wrote recently, I’m talking about what you love about the British wool indiestry!

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You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

This episode is sponsored by our KnitBritish Woolly Mucker, Emma Goodlad
Emma is Hosut on Ravelry and Goodlasshandicrafts on Instagram and etsy.

Emma has a craft business and is enjoying exploring her Shetland roots in her own knitting!

Listen in to hear me talk to Emma later in the show.

| Show notes

Last episode I hinted that I was going to be visiting somewhere special for the podcast and I managed to keep it a secret right up til I got there.

I visited Uist and, more precisely, Uist Wool and spent a whirlwind time there getting a tour of the mill and chatting with staff about the work they do there. I recorded a lot, so there is a lot to edit – as you can imagine – so you will have to be a bit patient for this episode, but I promise you it will be worth the wait! Thank so much to Dana, Hazel and everyone at the mill who made me feel so very welcome! Read More

bags of remakery motivation!

I just HAD to pop over and post about The Knitting Goddess’s shop update tonight (7pm, be there!) because it features the most awesome remakery-related wonderfulness!

When I told Joy about my remake challenge she thought it would be a great idea to make some bags inspired by that and asked me for some ideas for wording.  I came up with a few silly ones (“Go ahead Punk, Remake my day” or “Take my hand, we’ll remake it, I swear”) but I thought  *Cast on, Knit, Cast off* was a pretty good slogan for remaking, but also a great motto for most of our knitting habits!


These are just awesome – I love the denim and then that pop of bright knit-print lining!  There is also great inspiration here to remake something out of something else! You can use the remake motivation to reuse, recycle, upcycle – to knit, to sew, to crochet, to weave…. However you fancy taking up the challenge, head on over to the KB ravelry group and tell us! 

Don’t forget about that shop update tonight –  there is a brand new sock yarn debuting tonight too! – and sign up to Joy’s newsletter to get an email reminder of every update.


episode 82 strength and significance / community and traditions

This episode I bring you a wee interview I’ve been waiting for the right time to bring you, all about connections to pattern traditions, family, landscape and place. Also we meet this month’s woolly mucker, Alison Mayne and chat a little with her about wool, patterns and community. There is also a review and a giveaway of Zen Variations from Renee Callahan!

↓Listen to the podcast

You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

This episode is sponsored by our KnitBritish Woolly Mucker, Alison Mayne!
AKA Bakerstreetgirl on Ravelry, Alison is a doctoral researcher in women’s craft experiences, at Sheffield. As you will hear on today’s show, she always has a pair of socks on the needles. Listen in to hear Alison and I chat and hear a little bit about her craft pursuits and her ongoing studies.

Thanks to Alison for sponsoring our show today!

| Show notes

Let’s Get Cracking Shawl, by Helene Zechner

© Helene Zechner

Our lovely listener Helene has released a pattern and named it in honour of the show! The Let’s Get Crackin shawl is a textured triangular shawl, knit in Mohair Blend from Blacker. This yarn has recently been relaunched with new shades and you should check them out! Thank you, Helene, this shawl is crackin!

| Love your Yarn Shop at Countess Ablaze Read More

The Remakery : Which shawl first?

If you read my earlier post you will know that I’ve given myself the challenge to revisit one or two  beloved projects this summer.

The Remakery is essentially a bit of motivation or focus to cast on again one of those designs that we’ve always promised ourselves we’ll make again. I’d be utterly delighted if you wanted to use this as motivation to remake some of your favourites. There are no rules or requirements, you can remake absolutely anything and there isn’t a cast on date or anything (cos it isn’t a KAL in the trad sense). I’ve got a few things to do before the month is out, so I’ll be starting in May (also cos remakery!)

I want to focus on some of the awesome shawls that I’ve wanted to remake for a long time. But how to choose? Those vying for my attention for remaking are Marin and Ishbel, by Ysolda. Read More