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LushPodKAL ~ day fifteen

ah, me! It was all going too well!

My Lush progress was slow, but going well. I separated for the arms today and was just about to post a progress picture in the week 3 chat thread in Caithness Craft Collective’s Rav group when  I noticed it  (apologies for my crappity iPhone pics (and messy knit area!))



I done a cock up! And not *just* done a mistake, like, in the last few rows….it’s only at the end of the right hand yoke!

Processed with Moldiv

A big, elongated stem! There were many questions I asked myself – mainly, why didn’t I notice this when blocking?  Why not when picking up? Why did it take me to the oxters to notice?!

I could cry – I could get moody…ok, I did! – I could throw it from my sight and not want to think about it for a few days, but of course all I would do is think about it. Nope, only one thing for it. If I want to sleep at all tonight then I need to attempt a fix.


LushPodKAL sadface

Thank you for allowing me a mournful, “Why me?!” fist-shaking moment….

…and on we go again.



    • louise says

      7Thank you! Yes, I am (usually) a big advocate of that, just took me a good 45 mins of having my bottom lip out first 🙂

  1. I don’t know why you frogged it! I would have left it, a bit of asymmetry never hurt anyone and it would have been the ‘deliberate’ mistake you left to remind yourself that it is handmade!

    Oh, Louise.

    Still, condolences, it’s never easy to find something like this 🙁 I finished an illusion knit once when I realised that I had screwed up a row over 300 rows away that ruined the whole picture. I NEEDED the knit in my life, but I haven’t made it now. I frogged it and gave the yarn to my gran so I didn’t have to look at it anymore 🙁

    • louise says

      Haha! It would have meant it wouldn’t have button up nicely!!
      I can cope with an extra row here or there, but froggin means it’s better next time.
      No point in making clothes to fit when I’ve got an overly long stem tripping me up 😀

  2. Oooh, I feel your pain. It’s always lace that trips you up, isn’t it, no matter how “simple” the pattern looks. We’ve all been there. As painful as it is, you just have to rip back and start again. I’m loving the colour you’ve chose – it will look terrific.

  3. Liz says

    Well done for facing up to it and starting again – takes real strength of character to do that but I’m sure you will be much happier with the finished result.

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