The podcast is back to the normal podcast schedule! Be warned – Jeremy, the podcat, gets athletic in this episode.
UPDATE: Due to space I can no longer host the audio files on the blog, please use your favourite podcatcher, or right click the podgen link to open the podcast episode in a new window: Podgen
Preview on Spotify
- How were the recent woolly events? I am heading to Yarndale in September!
- Town End Alpaca‘s charming Shetland Alpaca yarn and their Swallows and Amazons collaboration with True Brit Knits
- Shetland Knitting Terms – What is a Hesp and a hespetre? Also check out the great Dictionary of Scottish language
- LushPodKAL – have you cast on yet with Shinybees, KnitSpinCake, Caithness Craft Collective and all the LushPodKal-ers and I? I am using Wensleydale Longwool Sheepshop & get slightly pornographic when I tell you why you should try wools that you think you can’t wear next to your skin! (n.b. if you are genuinely allergic to wool do not to as I do!)
- Head to Toe Give-away (see entry rules at bottom) and news of Clare Devine’s new patterns Tarsi Grande & Brevis Grande.
- Susan Crawford’s new vintage style 3ply weight Fenella – a dreamy yarn perfect for vintage garments and Fair Isle. Susan is also looking for experienced knitters for her Vintage Shetland Project (I realise, post-edit, that it sounds like I say the yarn is reared and sheared & spun at John Arbon. I mean reared and sheared in the UK!)
p.s. the seagull sounds are the seagulls currently living next to my office. The tweety birds are the birds at my bus stop!
Click on the picture for larger images.
- fantastic fenella
- top left – Jonquil, Marriner, Chalk and Columbine
- a WIP in Fenella
- Town End Alpaca and Shetland Alpaca
- Lush PodKAL cast on
- Dates for the Lush Pod KAL safari
- great yarn with a lustrous haze and a vintage feel
- check out other examples of the hespetre
- Hesp Tree at Shetland Museum
- you can win Head to Toe Ebook and two pattern prizes thanks to Clare Devine
- watch out podcat’s about
- Clare’s Tarsi Grande sock is now available for big and little tootsies!
This competition is open to everyone – please enter by commenting to this post first and go to Clare’s pattern store and tell us about your fave pattern and why – leave your Rav name in the comment!
You can earn extra entries in the KnitBritsh Ravelry group. Comment in there in the same way.
I will draw the winners at random by the next podcast and will lock the thread when the competition closes.
Rules are there for a reason and I will disqualify entries which do not comment appropriately. Please listen to the podcast for all the give-away info.
Phalange is my favourite, because of the lace section.
Hello Louise,
As always enjoyed your podcast. I am attempting to teach myself to knit socks and have chosen Flexor as my first sock pattern so it is my favourite. The intended recipient is my new grandbaby but as my sock knitting is not up to snuff yet, and looks a bit like a dog’s breakfast, it may be the dog who gets to wear this first pair!
Haven’t knit any but I have full intentions of knitting Montrose at some point! I also would go for Phalanges for the very daft reason that it remindes me of watching Bones, the main character has a little song about dancing phalanges
OH for goodness sake, I just realised I forgot the bit about putting my Rav name here. Whack a K in the middle & you got me (hannahkross)
Looking forward to listening to this one…no train journey for it this time, but I have some child-free evenings this week…
I think Ossa is my favourite – looks perfect for using up even the teensiest scraps of yarn that I still can’t bear to throw away, and the overall result is just soooooooo cute!
When you said about the hespetre being another word for an old hag etc. I immediately thought of the word ‘spinster’. Spinster (quite obviously if you think about it) used to mean a woman who span yarn, but came to be used as a derogatory term to describe an old unmarried woman (or an old hag). Different words with similar meanings, different roots, similar semantic shifts?!
For my entry into the competition… I really want to knit Montrose. I love beret style hats because I think they suit me the best – I have a slightly curled fringe, so beanie type hats just flatten it out and make it look gross. I’ve knit a few before, but I really like how delicate the lace looks on the Montrose. My rav name is MaccathKnits.
I just love vaila, lovely shawl which would look lovely with many of my dresses in the autumn/winter.
Charlyfeathers on ravelry
P.s. That Fenella yarn is just gorgeous, will have to buy some, gorgeous colour ways.
My favourite is Ossa. I love the single stripes of colour on them. I was lucky enough to see one knit by Miss Devine herself!
Louisepants on Ravelry!
Hi Louise,
As always I loved your podcast, I listened as I sat in my new sitting spot with the sunshine beaming in while I knits (or finish several projects). I was sorry to hear that you had no takers on heritage knitting terms, I’m afraid I cannot help I’ve only been knitting 18 months or so and I’m not aware of any older terms but I do love your feature .
For the. Ompetirio of all Clare’s patterns I love tetius socks, I am new to knitting socks but just love these, this is my aim to be able to knit these socks with some cabling. I just loves Clare’s style.
I hope your mouth is feeling much better today.
Shelley x
My favourite pattern i Tarsi (Grande). I love the texture on them.
Socks and shawls???? Tough choice for me but as the Vaila is knitted in the Brigantia DK it’s got to be that one for me!
Rav name is Isla111 but I’m sure you guessed that already!
I’m most excited about Brunswick. The pre-view pic is so tantalising with it’s lacy edge and yarn that sheens. I would love to knit this shawl the most.
Another great podcast Louise!
I had the same thoughts as Maccath about ‘spinster’ and ‘hespertre’ too.
My favourite Clare Devine pattern would be Vaila, as I enjoy knitting shawls where I can customise according to yardage. My Rav name is black.
I would like to knit a pair of tarsi-grande , I really like the idea for the sock anatomy book to explore different heels and toes. I knit the same vanilla socks mostly so to try different techniques on little socks would be great!.
Emma1969 (rav name)
Phalanges is my cute and a fabbie name. I have lots of scraps of sock wool perfect for this particular knit…and lots of babies to knit them for.
I love Elgin the simple design and stick pattern is just lovely

I am littleowlcrafts on rav
I love the Montrose beret. It looks like a really pretty, slouchy beret which would’t be too hot to wear right into spring.
Oh rubbish, forget to add that I’m Cristaltips on Rav. Sorry!
I’m totally in love with the [Montrose] – this is saying something because I do not enjoy knitting hats and I hate knitting cables and yet this pattern is calling to me. I think its because looks soft and romantic and perhaps may even look good on my large head.
Beautiful patterns and thank you so much for the contest!
My fav is the Brunswick, so pretty!
acan on rav
Lovely podcast as usual. Can you tell me the pattern
for your WIP in Fenella please.
I’m loving the head to toe ebook. Mostly because I enjoy the excitement of finding out what each project is each month. I love Claire’s patterns, the textures she creates are lovely.
Montrose will probably be the first pattern I knit from the book because it’ll be a quick project and I’ve got some rather lovely handspun that might look good. But then there’s the elegance of Brunswick! Doh!
Must cast on ALL the things!
I absolutely love the Sock Anatomy patterns and I’m knitting my way through all of them – small and grande
In a different category, I very much like Brunswick – it’s beautiful, elegant, and I love shawls!
Hi there – I’m a newbie to lace knitting, I realise that I’m too impatient and get frustrated but I want to persevere. However, I’m intrigued and inspired by the ‘Vaila’ shawl by Clare Devine. Looking at other people’s projects on Ravelry they all look stunning and successful. That is a surefire hint that this is a pattern that will work. I’m geared up to have a go at knitting this beautiful pattern. Thank you for pointing me in this direction.
Forgot to post here, though I posted on Rav ages ago. Favourite pattern is definitely Toasty Talus as I adore the rainbow. Ravelry name is azterya.
Love the Vaila pattern,a lovely lace shawl.
Hello :o) My favourite Clare Devine pattern is “Flexor” because it would be a great way to use up little tiny scraps of sock yarn. Thanks to Clare for offering such a generous prize package.
Ravelry name = Knitapotamus
Hi, I’m Rosie and I like the Montrose pattern, as I said it’s hard to find a nice slouchy tam with good stitch definition.