episode 6 and the FOMO
sheep sponsorship, awareness-raising knitting, cardigan love and the looming FOMO at Unwind Brighton
sheep sponsorship, awareness-raising knitting, cardigan love and the looming FOMO at Unwind Brighton
another episode and this one is full of laughter, yarn, books an wips, including a visit to Ginger Twist Studio in Edinburgh to meet Jess James and Clare Devine
Exciting episode for all those awaiting news on the next Edinburgh Yarn Festival!
This episode I learn I do not have the creeping finger; I delve into my post bag and also wax knitical about my Fair isle night class
The difficult second episode!
Talking about Ripplescrafts newest yarn club; my dos and don’ts of knitting British; wool shop shout out for Sylvan Tiger; a look at Kettle Yarn Conpany’s BFL twist yarn and Cast on Cast off.
Episode one of the first (the only?) podcast from KnitBritish
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