All posts filed under: Podcast

episode 49 spilling Edinburgh Yarn Festival beans!

I have lots in this episode, but I know what you really want to know…you want news from Edinburgh Yarn Festival juicy news don’t you? I have lots of beans to spill about vendors and more classes!!

episode 47 and I knit socks now!

Yes! You read it correctly – I am finally knitting socks! This episode contains my socks-ploration, a yarn review of WYS Illustrious and a preview of In The Footsteps of Sheep, by Debbie Zawinski.

episode 45 – I want to cast on all the things!

It’s autmuny/wintery; the clocks have changed and a darker period of the year is opening up in front of us offering us more knitting time…is that what I want to cast on all the things??