Author: louise

assorted thoughts on swatching – #BreedSwatchalong

The enthusiasm of people who have expressed interest in taking part in the Breed Swatch-along is infectious, but it also makes me giggle a bit too. Here we all are, a bunch of wool-loving crafters all getting excited about knitting single breed swatches….SWATCHES…the one thing we know we should all do when it comes to approaching any knitted item and the one thing that most of us do not do.

five questions for The Knitting Goddess

Today I have Joy McMillan, AKA The Knitting Goddess, coming around for a cuppa and five questions. Pour yourself a cup too and join us as Joy talks about the importance of using British wool, her (un)typical day, as well as clubs and socks. Speaking of socks there is a really lovely sock-related give-away at the end of this post, courtesy of Jot

episode 41 – Shetland wool week preview

There is a very distinct Shetland flavour to this episode as I get excited for wool week. I also have a review of the Shetland Wool Week Annual and of Hazel Tindall’s wonderful DVD The Fine Art of Fair Isle Knitting and I have some news of Shetland knitting based trips if you can’t make it to wool week this year.