In one week we cast on our much anticipated and talked about haps! I thought it was high time for a refresher on the rules and some of the PRIZES!
| Rules
The pattern you choose must be called a hap – either in description or name – OR use a construction method that has been called “traditional Shetland construction” – this refers to the centre being knit first and the edge YOs picked up to create a border. You may also knit the “Border inward” method (referred to by Sharon Miller) where you knit the edging first, pick up the stitches along the knit edge and end with the centre.
The cast on date is 10th April and you may begin knitting just as soon as the 10th of April lands wherever in the world you are. I know that some people have been excited and cast on already, but to be eligible for a prize I will only count those who cast on on or after the official date.
Chat with your hap progress in the hap chatter thread (only open on 10th) and post your FOs in the Hap Gallery. The CKAL casts off on July 12th.
| Prizes
I am going to have several prizes on offer these include, so far, lashings of British wool and an amazing voucher prize from Fondant Fibre. I know that no-one takes part in the KALs for the prizes, but they are always a nice bonus and a good motivator in the last days of the KAL when we are struggling to finish, so expect a prize post around the end of June!
| Cast on Knit Night !
On Friday 10th April, from 7pm-9pm (UK time) we are going to have a little knit night on twitter, instagram and in the KnitBritish Ravelry group (I don’t use facebook, sorry!) If you are on twitter and/or instagram then use the hashtags #hapalong and #hapalonghangout, pick a comfy spot next to your device or laptop, get a beverage and maybe a few nibbles and join in – everyone is welcome. If you don’t do twitter or instagram, you can still join in in the hap chatter thread. I am going to do my best to attend all three places and I may even have a (very small, pin badge sized) prize or two! I really “hap” to see you all there!
Any questions? Just leave a comment or drop me a line!
This sounds like a delightful way to spend my 16th wedding anniversary- although maybe I should spend at least some of it with my husband :).
He has an exciting (to him) parcel due to arrive and I can cast on a new shawl.
I put it in my calendar and I can’t wait to cast on

I will knit the Aestlight Shawl from Gudrun Johnston in Malabrigo Rios (sorry…not british at all) in two colours.
Unfortunately I’m neither on Instagram or Twitter so I will follow the Ravelry group
Looking forward meeting you all
Doing the extremely difficult maths (counting backwards, dontcha know!) trying to figure out what time it will be here at the start of the chat. Can’t wait!
(ask google!)
I have cast on with Jamieson’s Shetland Double Knitting Color 135 Surf. I know it will be thicker and bigger than using fingering weight yarn but stash is stash. My pattern is the full version of Hansel by Gudrun Johnston. About 40 stitches along right now. I have other colors in this same weight yarn so we’ll see what happens!!
Oh, I’d love to join, if it is not too late!
No sign up necessary. Just create a project on Ravelry, use the tag hapalong. Chat in the knitBritish rav group and cast off by 12th July!
[…] All of which is a long preamble to explaining why I have joined Louise’s #hapalong in spite of not really having so much time just now for knitting a hap. Everything Louise does is so joyous, so friendly, so warm and coming from such a good place that if I only have time for one personal knitting project this year, then it must be a hap for the #hapalong. Louise is organising it – how can I not join in? […]
[…] Gudrun had a hap knitalong in her group on Ravelry and then Louise from Knitbritish organised the hapalong. I have been planning to try and knit one for ages but there is nothing like a knitalong to spur […]
[…] planning on casting on a Hansel Hap by Shetland Trader to join in the Knit British Hap-a-long that starts tomorrow. I was originally going to use some Rowan Scottish Tweed that has been in my […]
[…] The Hap-Along starts today so get casting on! […]
[…] I’m also taking part in the #hapalong being run by the lovely Louise from Knit British. She has a very active hapalong thread in her Ravelry group, it really moves at the speed of light. I’ve not been posting too much in the group, purely due to lack of time and my inability to keep up! There’s still time to join in, all the guidelines for the #hapalong are outlined here. […]