Thank you so much for your feedback from the last couple of episodes. It is so great to take the ideas of the value in knitting and knitworthiness to a larger discussion. There have also been some knitters this week talking about what it means to be thought of as knitworthy by another knitter. I have first had experience of this as lovely listener Victoria made me a Stac Shoaigh shawl (pattern by Ysolda). I recently got to meet Victoria and thank her for this lovely gesture. It makes me feel very special every time I wear it and I feel very touched that she made it for me. The hug I gave her in return doesn’t quite go far enough to say thanks. Read More
(Knitted fence by Helen Robertson, hung in the Peerie Cafe, Lerwick)
So many thanks for all your comments and feedback on episode 71 and on the value of knitting and what you do. It has been also lovely to read your commetns about knintworthyness in the KB Ravelry group too. Today I look a little bit to charity knitting, which is a bit of a distinct category of value and knitworthyness. I also have the first exciting Blacker Yarns Podcast Lounge news for you! Needles and yarn at the ready!
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We are doing some work behind the scenes here and the website has been going up and down a wee bit as a result. If you prefer to listen via your computer and not itunes, you can download the podcast via Podgenand listen at your leisure off-line. Sorry for any inconvenience.
| Podcast Sponsor
This month KnitBritish is sponsored by Joy dyes luxury yarn in her studio in Harrogate and is committed to supporting British breeds and fibre in all her bases. In addition to incredible yarns, such as Britsock and Wensleydale and Shetland 4ply you will find screen-printed bags and books, hand-crafted stitch markers and exclusive yarn clubs. Shop updates happen on Thursday evenings – sign up to the newsletter to see the goodies first and receive subscriber discounts
| Show Notes
A great discussion has followed the last episode over in the KnitBritish ravelry group and on social media. Thanks so much for contributing to this wide discussion. Last episode I was specifically talking about knitting for others and knitting for sale: charity knitting is a distinct category of value and it is most definitely knitting for the knitworthy. I had purposely kept charity knitting separate from the discussion last time, but many of you have talked about it in the rav group and so I am happy to talk it about charity knitting today. Read More
As you know, I love books. I would be no kind of book lover if I did not share this with you. This month I have three book giveaways for you. You currently have a few more days to enter into the draw for The Mindfulness in Knitting, which has been donated to you as a lovely gift from KB reader Alison Mayne. Thank you, Alison!
You may remember that I talked about Hilary Grant’s incredible book, Knitting from the North, in episode 70 of the podcast. You may know Hilary from her wonderful knitwear collections and in this book she has created some of these ready-made pieces (along with new designs) into hand-knit patterns.
I’ve had need for mindfulness lately. Have you? It’s literally been a mind-bending time in the world at large and even if you’ve not been affected by that (you’ve not! really?!) many of us have need to practice mindfulness and take some time out of things to focus on us and how we feel. Even just taking yourself off for a massive cuppa and a slab of cake is a wee thing you can do, that is just for you! I did that last week. After having a whirlwindy week I decided I needed a self care day and just followed my feet to where they took me – following my inner momentum and practising some mindfulness.
I actually did not knit that day (as I needed to do something for me that I don’t always allow myself), but I don’t need to tell you that knitting can be a calming and grounding exercise.
When I recently talked about Rachael Matthews new book,The Mindfulness in Knitting, it was lovely to find out that many of you had been enabled into getting a copy for yourself. Lovely KB friend Alison Mayne ended up buying an extra copy and wondered if I would like to offer it as a prize here. Read More
This week I’ve been really mulling on the idea of knitting for others. Get a cuppa and mull with me.
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You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!
Listening via the website?
We are doing some work behind the scenes here and the website has been going up and down a wee bit as a result. I’m sorry if this impinges on your listening pleasure. If you prefer to listen via your computer and not itunes, you can download the podcast via Podgenand listen at your leisure off-line. Things will be running as normal very soon.
| Podcast sponsor
This month KnitBritish is sponsored by Joy dyes luxury yarn in her studio in Harrogate and is committed to supporting British breeds and fibre in all her bases. In addition to incredible yarns, such as Britsock and Wensleydale and Shetland 4ply you will find screen-printed bags and books, hand-crafted stitch markers and exclusive yarn clubs in her online shop.
Joy will be at the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show this Week – on stand C525. Go along and see those awesome yarns. Can’t go? Click on the logo to shop online; the next posting date is Monday, 28th November
| Show Notes
| Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show (24-27th)
Are you heading to the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching show this week? Do pop over and see our lovely sponsor, The Knitting Goddess. She will be there will loads of incredible hand-dyed British wool, screen printed bags, notebooks and tags and awesome felt decoration kits. I got snippy and gluey with these last week!
November is here and that means two things – Wovember is one and the other is that the Knitting Goddess 2017 Yarn Clubs have been released! (please note; colours in featured image are NOT club shades…thems a secret!)
You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!
| Podcast sponsor
This month KnitBritish is sponsored by Joy dyes luxury yarn in her studio in Harrogate and is committed to supporting British breeds and fibre in all her bases. In addition to incredible yarns, such as Britsock and Wensleydale and Shetland 4ply you will find screen-printed bags and books, hand-crafted stitch markers and exclusive yarn clubs in her online shop. Click on the logo to find out about the 2017 clubs!
For a long time now you have been asking me for ways in which you can support the podcast and website. I’ve spoken before about how I dislike platforms which people have to regularly contribute and which mean I have to provide more to compensate.
I love making this podcast twice a month – I not only love recording the podcast and bringing you great content and awesome giveaways, news, reviews and interviews; but I also love editing the audio, writing the shownotes and spending quality time making this show. I don’t factor in my time into costs, but there are costs involved with producing the podcast and these include things like website fees prizes, travel and admin, but also things like bandwidth. The podcast listenership has grown so much recently that we almost exceed KB bandwidth allowance each month!
In terms of your contribution I don’t really want to have a static tip jar facility in the side menu. Those are great things (in fact, we have one at Wovember now), but listeners and readers are such a huge part of the KnitBritish and, next to wool, you are at the heart of what I do. If you so wish to contribute to the running of the KnitBritish then I feel the best way – and the most commonsense option to me – is to make you part of the show and offer you the opportunity to sponsor an episode.Read More
Next year the Edinburgh Yarn Festival will be held from 9-12th March, with their world-class market place from 10-11th. Are you ready for another great year of awesome workshops, handpicked vendors and the Blacker Yarns Podcast Lounge? Me too! Read More
However as there are ongoing issues with Ravelry I wanted to pop up with an alert that there are numerous links to Ravelry on this site and if you are affected by the visually inaccessible new Ravelry I don’t want you to click on links. For more info please see my post on the front page of the website.
Thanks for stopping by the WoolWork website
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