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episode 92 – stitched together with good intentions

Hello listeners! I lied. I said the next episode would be a bit shorter, and it is even longer! Get a cuppa and a WIP!

You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

| Sponsor

This month KnitBritish is sponsored by blog (2)Joy dyes luxury yarn in her studio in Harrogate and is committed to supporting British wool in all her bases.
In addition to incredible yarns, such as Britsock; Wensleydale &Shetland; BFL & Masham and BritSilk, you will find screen-printed bags and books, hand-crafted stitch markers and exclusive yarn clubs in her online shop.
You will see Joy and Bobbie at The Great London Yarn Crawl this Saturday and at  Yarndale later this month (23-24) and hear more about new shop additions later in the show.

Click to visit the shop!

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episode 91 – she thought she wouldn’t like it but, listener, she did!

Image: (c)FRHunting shared via creative commons

Welcome back lovelies! There is lots of news in this episode. So grab a WIP, a drink and settle in for the next half an hour, or so!

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 You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

Our Sponsor

You will find the very best of British wool, an incredible range of patterns and awesome notions at BritYarn. Isla works to the Woolly Principles at BritYarn so that you can be confident of buying British wool, with provenance from British suppliers. 

Click on the logo to visit the BritYarn website and find the new shades of Blacker Gotland DK, Britsilk from the Knitting Goddess and the NEW Shetland Tweed from WYS


| News Read More

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episode 90 – wool geekery

(image: Copyright Wensleydale Longwool Sheepshop)

Today we have a chat with our Woolly Mucker Mazzy Fautley and I have an interview with designer Francesca Hughes.

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Woolly Mucker

Our mucker this month is the wonderful Mazzy Fautley, aka MazKnitter on Ravelry.
Mazzy describes herself as a keen allotment gardener with caffeine and yarn addictions! Currently she is knitting a Williams Gansey, as part of a fascinating project that you can hear a bit more about in the show, when I chat with Mazzy. Thank you for supporting KnitBritish!

| Shownotes

Today I’m talking to two awesome women, so make pot of tea, or coffee (or cocktail!) and join us for a chat!

Thank you, thank you, a million times for your comments, emails and chat back about the Uist episodes. I know I kept you waiting a good long while for them, but I am so chuffed to hear how much you enjoyed them. I really loved being there and had a ball. And yes, as one of you commented, when Dana suggested having residencies in Uist Wool, maybe there *could* be a podcaster-in-residence! What do you think Dana? Hazel? Guys? !

In addition to them having been so generous with their time and knowledge while I was there, they are extending their generosity to you with a 10% discount on online sales! Use code knitbritish89 at the checkout and you should make use of that before 31st August. Thank you so much, Uist Wool! Read More

Episode 89 – Uist Wool

This is a special two part episode of the KnitBritish podcast, where I visit Uist Wool. I was very fortunate to have had the chance to visit there in May and my visit has really stayed with me!

This episode is in two parts because of upload limits and length.  On iTunes and podcatchers you will find these as two separate parts.

Uist Wool has interested me ever since I saw their stall at the Highland Wool Festival, in Dingwall, in 2014. At that point they were a funded training project, aimed at bringing back skills in wool-work to Uist. They had recently completed work on their mill and as well as bringing back these skills to the islands – islands so rich in wool heritage – they were also committed to getting crofters a better return on their clips. I can remember seeing their stall at the HWF and thinking that I looked forward to watching their progress! Read More

episode 88 – The one with Shetlands, Romney, Alpaca, BFLs, Merino, Mules and silk!

What a great week it’s been – a woman in the TARDIS and some awesome ladies on the show today!

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You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

| Sponsor

This month KnitBritish is sponsored by blog (2)Joy dyes luxury yarn in her studio in Harrogate and is committed to supporting British wool in all her bases.
In addition to incredible yarns, such as Britsock; Wensleydale &Shetland; BFL & Masham and the forthcoming BritSilk, you will find screen-printed bags and books, hand-crafted stitch markers and exclusive yarn clubs in her online shop.
Click to visit the shop!

| Show Notes

I’m still utterly delighted with Sunday’s news that Jodie Whittaker is the 13th Doctor – It’s definitely time. It makes me wonder what kind of iconic wool item she should have (tweed coats/suits, scarves, cricket vests, etc) I’m pretty sure she would rock a pussyhat! – get on it BBC Costume dept! In keeping with the awesome women theme, this episode I’ve got news from The Knitting Goddess, a review from Christine Perry and a chat with Jane Green, from New Leaf Yarn .

| Clear Labels – Update from Cambrian Wool Read More

episode 87 – where there were 300 sheep!

Hello and welcome back to the podcast! I’m all refreshed from a lovely holiday and back with another blind yarn review and a chat with our Woolly Mucker, Susan Hobkirk! (Apologies, my chair is a bit squeaky in this episode!)

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You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

| Woolly Mucker

This month’s woolly mucker is Susan Hobkirk, aka macpark, on ravelry. Susan is a long time supporter of all things KnitBritish and I thank her so much for sponsoring the show.

Currently she is knitting the Houlland Hap, in Exquiste from WYS and she is almost finished Marie Wallin’s Fair Isle Blanket KAL. Tune in to hear us chat later in the show!

| Shownotes

| Holiday

I had a great time away – this was my view from my Shepherds Hut! I also managed to do some knitting on Hadrian’s Wall, as you do! Read More

episode 86 at the party yarn shop

I’m back a little earlier this week to chat to The Queen of Purls and also squidge some Northern Yarn with some of my woolly muckers (ooh-er!)

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You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!


Today’s episode is sponsored by The Queen of Purls!

The Queen of Purls is an independent yarn shop in Glasgow, run by Zoe Armstrong. Zoe sells natural wool yarns and fibres for felting and spinning. She has an awesome selection of British wool and brands, as well as dyeing her own yarn range.
Listen in to hear Zoe give me a tour of her shop and find out how you can win a very special skein of her hand-dyed.

 | Show Notes

Thanks so much for tuning in again and for all your wonderful feedback since the last episode. It was lovely to hear that so many of you enjoyed the interview with Maylin last time and that you are enjoying the Woolly Muckers series of chats.
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