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Woolly Mucker Review: Lore from The Fibre Co

Look, everybody! It’s a blog post…it’s an actual blog post!

If you listened to the last episode you will know that the last few months have seen a lot of personal upheaval. That hasn’t meant that the world of KB has stopped –  I recorded for two special episodes and there was yarn to tell you about too. Sadly moving house was not conducive to yarn reviewing, but our wondrous woolly muckers were keen to assist again. I am very grateful.

It was really lovely to get an email from Claire, from The Fibre Co , who wanted to tell me all about their new yarn, Lore and she offered a skein for woolly mucker road testing! Read More

Episode 109 – A very quick catch up!

Hello! Welcome back after a late summer break!

I’ve not had any time to rest on my laurels and I’ve recorded for 2 special episodes which will be coming out over the next few weeks. I felt that we needed a very quick catch up before those, as it may be a wee while before our next regular show!

Just a few quick things to tell you about, no notes or links today.

Grab a WIP and a wee beverage and let’s have a quick catch up!



| Important information

Music: Singin’ in The Rain (demo) by David Mumford – On FreeMusicArchive and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license.



Episode 108 – From a little van of woolly hopes & dreams: Louise Spong & South Downs Yarn

Dear listeners, this month I am delighted to introduce you to Louise Spong.

I say “introduce”, but I mean “to the podcast, for the first time!”, as some of you will already be acquainted with Louise and her company South Downs Yarn; you may have bought her yarns and maybe you read her articles at Wovember last year.  I’ve been chatting to Louise online for a long time, but only met her last month! I’m very happy that she agreed to sit down and chat with me for the podcast, we talk about the Southdown breed; Louise’s draw to the breed and the impetus for her starting her business; we discuss the need to understand slow as a concept in the wool creating process and we dip into some of the issues wool explorer’s may have found in sourcing Southdown for the exploration this month.

I heartily enjoyed chatting with Louise and I think you chaps will really enjoy listening and perhaps learn some interesting stuff too.

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Natures Shades Prizes Klaxon

There are less than 2 weeks left for our Natures Shades Along? How did that happen ?

Firstly I need to say, as ever, your enthusiasm for this has rocked my hand-knit socks. I love your love for natural wool. I am not very active in the thread (up to our eyes in packing boxes), but lurking and reading, Your work is amazing and so many great FO’s already.

I already know I am not going to be too present around the end of this KAL (But I will send out reminders of the deadline, etc) but I thought it would be nice to give you a wee carrot on a stick, to help get your WIPs to FOs for the deadline and announce some of the prizes.

| Prizes from Generous Donators!

Louise Spong, from South Downs Yarn, has given us a Chalky Way shawl kit! The shawl is designed by the very talented Orlane Sucche and uses 6 x 30g skeins of the beautiful Ridings Flock southdown, from South Down Yarns. You will get 6 skeins and a code to download the pattern. Thank you so much to Louise and Orlane.

Tune in to the next podcast (out *sometime* soon!) and hear Louise and I talk all about southdown breed and South Downs Yarns. I had a lot of fun chatting with Louise. Read More

Episode 107 – I will never just stick to the knitting.

Today’s episode is mainly about wool and knitting, but the title stands as a good reminder that my views do often extend beyond this!

You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!


The words sh*t and piss are used a couple of times in this episode, and is *mostly* relation to my landlord mostly! This is in the first few minutes. I will mark this episode as explicit for those who need a sweary trigger warning!

| My views extend beyond craft. The content I decide for my social media and my podcast is up to me. You don’t pay to download episodes and you don’t pay to follow me on social media. My content, like speech and thought, is FREE. We can definitely disagree and we can definitely enter into a discussion, but unrelenting confirmation bias from the echo-chamber is not welcome. Do click unfollow an unsubscribe. As my good chum says – it’s not me, it’s you. Read More

Episode 106 – cosy and tempting!

Back once again for another dose of all things woolly!

You can also listen on iTunes, the podcast app, or search your favourite podcatcher, if you prefer!

Woollin Dublin

I went to Woollin on 26th May and what a WONDERFUL event. I was blown away with the awesome team, how they created a great welcoming event and a lovely marketplace. It was lovely to be a punter at a yarn festival and I met so many pals, familiar faces and favourite vendors Read More

#NaturesShades 2018: Shawls

For me, a shawl is often a great canvas to show what your yarn and their shades can do! If you need a few suggestions for our #NaturesShadesAlong then feel free to take some inspiration from here, or dig into my suggestion bundle on Ravelry. If you didn’t need inspiration and now you have an even longer list then sorrynotsorry, ha! Read More