episode 12 and the Yarndale hangover
Decided to upload an episode on yarndale amblings and ramblings. it is just that, so if you are looking for usual content it really is just a rundown of Yarndale and my purchases
Decided to upload an episode on yarndale amblings and ramblings. it is just that, so if you are looking for usual content it really is just a rundown of Yarndale and my purchases
Episode 11 is a little earlier than planned with news about WIPCrackaway, trip to Yarndale coming up and impending Shetland Wool Week. Also I have a giveaway from Tori Seierstad. Get the kettle and and poise those WIPS
I’ve hit double figures! There’s Edinburgh Yarn Festival news, Wendy & KingCole Yarn reviews, and a great interview with BeatKnit
a promo hinting at exciting stuff in episode 10!
Back to my normal time slot – usual podcasting services are resumed with two yarn reviews. a giveaway and more!
an unexpected little episode featuring an exclusive from Jess James, of Ginger Twist Studio, and designer Clare Devine.
I chat with George from Yarn Garden about their new British bases and the buzz he has for dyeing. I have a few tips for those first time Woolfesters heading to Cockermouth this weekend. I also had a very brief trip to Glasgow last week, where I ensured I finagled in a wool shop trip and meet up with Karie Westermann.
episode 7 of the KnitBritish podcast includes a trip to the Highland Wool Festival, review of oosie yarn by Skein Queen and there are twitterpated birds too
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